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We would both like to say a big thank you for the cards, gifts and kind comments you have given us as we reach the end of the year. Hedgehogs class have, without exception, been a pleasure to teach and we will miss them. Thanks to all parents too for your support throughout the year. We wish you all the best as you move into Year One.      Mrs Ground and Mrs Stoneersmiley




We had a fantastic trip to Natureland at Skegness. A special thanks to Mrs Thorpe for organising it at such a busy time in the term.

For Diversity Day, we shared the book "Something Else" by Kathryn Cave which highlights what it feels like to be different and left out. We celebrated the differences between us acknowledging height and eye colour, but also different cultures and religions. Finally we explored different ways we could link hands to show our togetherness as a class.

We have been Colourmixing to produce seaside shades of green and blue.

We enjoyed meeting Tayla's new dog. Look how gentle we all were with it.

As part of "Healthy Me" week we recorded how much fruit and vegetables we ate. Well done Isabella, Florence and Alfie. Great homework.

Hedgehogs have been celebrating getting all 10 sweets in the jar today by creating and making their own pizzas. They taste tested lots of different toppings before deciding what to add tho their pizza. Ask them what their favourites were and which they didn't like. Well done Hedgehogs! You are brilliant! 

Here are a few pictures from our Fathers Day celebrations. Some fantastic aeroplane designs with a very competitive flying competition at the end. Thanks to everyone who came along.

Our country focus this week is France! We have enjoyed answering the register with 'bonjour' and today we tasted croissants, brioche and baguettes. Ask your children which they liked the best.

This week we are finding out about bees. Mrs Ground told us all about bees and how to look after them. We wore the beekeeping suit and tried out the smoker. We looked at beeswax and tried some honey. It was delicious. We are busy making our own beekeeping book with amazing bee facts in it too.

Goodbye our froggie friends.

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We said goodbye to our baby frogs and tadpoles on Friday afternoon. We returned them to the school pond, but look forward to visiting later next half term to see if we can spot any of them.

We are very proud to say our tadpoles have turned into frogs. We have enjoyed watching them grow and change. Later this week we will return them to the school pond.

This week we have been finding out about the Buddhist festival of Wesak. We compared it to festivals that we are familiar with and found out how important kindness and gentleness are to Buddhists. Here we are trying some meditation.

We were excited to have visitors from the church today. They told us all about the Trinity and we made bracelets with three strands to represent God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

We have been setting sunflowers.

Things we are looking at this week in our investigation area are tadpoles, plants and spiders.

Working together to build an obstacle course.

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The children had great fun working as a team to make an obstacle course.



As part of our topic on growing we painted some lilac flowers. Aren't they beautiful?

We enjoyed a class treat of ice lollies and ice creams for being such a brilliant class. We all worked hard to collect 10 jewels in the jar and we were all evergreen in the spring term.

Happy birthday Your Majesty! Celebrating the Queen's 90th birthday on 21st April.

Our learning in the Summer Term

You may have already guessed, from our farm visit and the recent request for baby photos, that this terms focus is going to be growing. We will be looking at how different things grow and change over time, including animals, humans and plants. 

We will start off looking at animals and humans and then plants.

Later on in the summer term we will be investigating mini beasts and animals under the sea.


If you would like more details about the different objectives we will be covering this term please click on our EYFS curriculum star on the school’s curriculum page on the website. Alternatively follow this link

This week we have been learning how people grow and change. Today Phoebe's mum kindly brought baby Milo in for us to meet. We found out all about the things he can and cannot do and now know lots about babies!

Hedgehog class had an amazing day at Moor Farm today. The sun even came out for us! Have a look at some of the brilliant adventures we had. Searching for wool in the sheep field, cuddling lambs and going on a very bumpy tractor ride. A big thank you to all of our helpers today. We had a great day and were all very tired by the end of it. Take a look at our pictures.


If you have signed and handed in the slips for Tapestry your accounts are now active.

I explained to those that attended the meetings on Tuesday, that as this is the first year of using tapestry and therefore we are combining the use of putting evidence on Tapestry alongside the evidence in the red and blue folders.


For more information please follow the link below.

This will take you to the page about the Foundation Stage curriculum, you just need to scroll down and click the Tapestry star.

This will then take you to a page that will have the PowerPoint presentation I shared with parents on Tuesday and guides for using Tapestry on your computer, phone and tablet. It also has the link which will take you to the Eye Primary Tapestry log in page.


Your log in details will be the email that you put on your form and your password will be your child’s first and second name with a capital letter at the beginning (no spaces)e.g. Josephsmith

If your child’s name is shorter than 10 letters it will have consecutive numbers after the name e.g  Johnsmith1 or Evawatt123.




Any problems please come and see me and I will try to help J

If you haven’t handed in your form and need a new one please speak to a member of staff.

Thank you for your continued support and please add your own photos, videos and comments to your child’s Tapestry so we can see their learning at home.


Mrs Thorpe

We had an Easter egg hunt and found that the Easter bunny had visited us early. Happy Easter to you all from the Foundation Stage team.

We had a great time during our science day exploring a range of experiments. Ask your child about Professor Brainstorm.

We had a lovely afternoon making hand bouquets for Mother's Day.

Happy World Book Day everyone! We had great fun dressing up and reading stories today. I wonder which story you will read at bedtime tonight?

We have been having so much fun outside in the sun this afternoon. We have built dens, made delicious recipes in the mud kitchen and made posters.

Here are some more of our amazing chicken pictures.

We have been looking closely at the chickens and drawing them as part of our work on farm animals.

Harry made this fantastic snowmobile and Megan worked with him to make it even better.

Hedgehogs have been finding out fantastic facts about penguins. We have all labelled our own picture. Please ask your child what fantastic facts they can tell you.

We have been making bird feeders and watching the birds that come to eat them. We even saw a cheeky squirrel having a snack too.

We shared this story by Eric Carle and our eyes played tricks on us. Ask your child to tell you all about it.

In Maths we have been using the language of shape and size while making cages for these animals. Some of the children measured their cages with cubes. They were very clever counters.

Dear Zoo talk for writing. We have been using this map to help us retell this week's core story. Hedgehogs would love to share it with you at home.

A wonderful Wow Day in the Foundation Stage. We all had a great time meeting the animals this morning. Thank you to all those that came along to join us and a special thanks to those who kindly brought in their animals.

Last term, our Christian Value was 'Peace'. Over the holidays, some of us made doves and wrote prayers. We shared them in assembly and thought you might want to see them too.

Happy New Year smiley



This term will be focussing on animals. We will be looking at how we care for living things, the different types of animals you get and where they live. We will look at different types of animals, starting with pets, then zoo animals and animals that live in the Arctic. We will also be looking at how they grow and change, linking this to our trip to Moor Farm.  

We had lots of fun at our party!!

Thank you so much for the amazing Christmas party hat entries. We were amazed at how much hard work went in to them. Here are our winners and runners up. We'll done everyone!

Our elves have been very busy in Santa's workshop!

Our children have been really busy decorating our tree today! What do you think?

We loved having our visitors in for our parent cafe.

We loved having visitors in for our parent cafe. We enjoyed a Christmas story together and worked together to make a Christmas decoration.
We have been busy in our Maths lessons counting and comparing amounts. Here we are comparing the totals on the plates and using mathematical language such as more than and less than.

Here is our firework poem. It's full of great firework words. How many can you spot?

We have had a fun week learning about fireworks. What words can you think of to describe fireworks?

Bedtime Stories

We knew the story of "The Three Little Pigs."

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We have been learning all about "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." We had the chance to work with fingerpaint to produce bear pictures. Look how much fun we had!

We have been busy building houses for the pigs. Do you think the big bad wolf will be able to get into this one?

Can you guess which story we are learning this week from our story map?

The Hedgehog by The Hedgehog Class

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Listen to our poem about a hedgehog. We made up the actions ourselves. We hope you like it!
The Hedgehog Class have all settled in beautifully this week. We have been having fun on the bikes, playing with play dough and building amazing Lego models. Take a look at some of our photos. 

Our first day!
