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Hedgehogs and Squirrels - Foundation

Painted stone craft activity

Summer Well-being Activities

Home school Learning Gallery Weeks 1-3. Thank you so much for sharing your home learning with us. Here's a small selection.

Hello to all the Squirrels, Hedgehogs and Rabbits,


I hope you are all having a lovely Easter break! It has been so lovely to see the photos and videos that some of you have been putting onto Tapestry.


If you're still not sure on how to do this, below is a link that talks you through how to add an observation,


We are also adding some documents that you might find useful to use whilst you are at home.


Here is a link that shows you how you can access these documents on Tapestry.


Hope you find these links useful and we look forward to seeing your pictures and videos on Tapestry!


Happy Easter to you all!

Week One Home Learning task sheet 25.03.2020

Distance Learning Information

Due to the enforced government school closures, we will be using Tapestry to set weekly learning tasks to be completed alongside the work already set in the booklet sent home. The first task will start from Wednesday 25th March and continue until Tuesday 31st March when the term ends. This will then continue again on Monday 20th April if the Government continues to direct us to be closed. Please use the book provided to record learning when appropriate, as well as posting on Tapestry. If you need to contact us during this time, please use the class email addresses:,  and we will respond to you within normal working hours. We have already seen some fantastic learning going on and look forward to hearing about and to seeing more of your work throughout this time via Tapestry. We thank you for your support in this and please remember that we are here to help if we are able.


Thank you,


The Foundation Team



Physical Education at home
We know over the next few weeks it will be difficult to include physical activity in your children's lives. With this in mind, we have listed below some choices that can be completed indoors. Some of the activities listed we have enjoyed in class together. 

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga and Mindfulness on youtube
  • Koo Koo Kanga Roo on youtube (Superheroes Unite is a favourite!)
  • Just Dance on youtube
  • Joe Wicks, 9am PE session Live on youtube
  • Brain Breaks & Dance, TheLearningStation on youtube





Book man

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?'s Bookman!!

We had a very exciting visit this week from our very own school super hero, Bookman. He came in to introduce himself and set us a challenge to read 12 times over the Christmas break. He even sent us home with chocolate treats to enjoy while we read. Please see the Reading Challenge letter for more information.


Art Day. Wednesday 27th November. Look at all the exciting colour mixing activities we had out.

We were very lucky last week, and had a parent come into school to talk to us about the military and the importance of Remembrance day. If you would like to visit us and talk to the children about something, please let us know :)

Nene Park 

We visited Nene Park for a fun packed day filled with activities linked to our learning about traditional tales. We went on a treasure hunt to find the ending to a story, made stick houses for the 3 pigs and scavenged for materials to keep Goldilocks' porridge warm. Despite the rain, we all had a fantastic time and even enjoyed our ride on the bus! Thank you to our grown ups for making sure we all had the right clothes to keep us warm and dry.

Percy the Park Keeper stories. Each class came up with their own ideas for stories and wrote their own class story. Ask them if they can tell you about their class story.

It was very exciting in Foundation today! We’ve had a new Interactive Smart TV installed and it came in some very large boxes. Ask us what we made with them today.

Hello Autumn!


We have started our Autumn topic this week and have had lots of learning about what festivals happen during these months and what happens to the weather and nature. The children have been outside collecting conkers and sticks for our unit (and no doubt bringing them home too!). There has been lots of stick painting, conker investigating and leaf rubbing. 


We are also starting to look at our Literacy topic book of Percy the Park Keeper by Nick Butterworth which is full of woodland creatures, including our very own Hedgehog and Squirrel!


Thank you to all those parents who have handed in their Tapestry letters.

I am currently working my way through adding you all onto the system. Please bare with me over the next week whilst I add you all on. 

Keep an eye on your inboxes, as once your account has been created you will receive and email asking you to activate your account.

Any issues please speak to a member of staff and we will try to sort it for you smiley


Thank you for your support,

Mrs Thorpe

What an amazing couple of days we’ve had Squirrels and Hedgehogs! We have been so impressed with you all! Your grown ups should be very proud 😁

Welcome to Eye Primary School Foundation Stage!


We cannot wait to start our new journey together and get to meet you all!


The staff in the unit are:

Hedgehogs teacher: Mrs White

Squirrels teacher: Miss Rimes

Additional teachers in the unit: Mrs Thorpe & Miss Oliver

Teaching Assistants in the unit: Miss Ramalho, Mrs Finch, Mrs Grey & Mrs P


This half term we will be focusing on the stories about Percy the Park Keeper for the first couple of weeks, learning about friendship and working together. 



Later on in the half term we will be learning a variety of traditional tales and will be having a traditional tale trip to Nene Park (date to follow in a letter soon)



Please do not worry about PE kits for the first term, we will start off with just taking shoes and socks off then progress to changing into kits after Christmas. 


To see the main learning objectives we will be covering this term please follow the link below to see the EYFS objective overview for each term.

