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Squirrels - Foundation

We had a fantastic trip to Natureland at Skegness. A special thanks to Mrs Thorpe for organising it at such a busy time in the term.

Our country focus this week is France! We have enjoyed answering the register with 'bonjour' and today we tasted croissants, brioche and baguettes. Ask your children which they liked the best.

This week we are finding out about bees. Mrs Ground told us all about bees and how to look after them. We wore the beekeeping suit and tried out the smoker. We looked at beeswax and tried some honey. It was delicious. We are busy making our own beekeeping book with amazing bee facts in it too.

Goodbye our froggie friends

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We said goodbye to our baby frogs and tadpoles on Friday afternoon. We returned them to the school pond, but look forward to visiting later next half term to see if we can spot any of them.

We are very proud to say our tadpoles have turned into frogs. We have enjoyed watching them grow and change. Later this week we will return them to the school pond.

This week we have been finding out about the Buddhist festival of Wesak. We compared it to festivals that we are familiar with and found out how important kindness and gentleness are to Buddhists. Here we are trying some meditation.

We were excited to have visitors from the church today. They told us all about the Trinity and we made bracelets with three strands to represent God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

We have been setting sunflowers.

Looking carefully at the parts of a plant and painting lilac.

Things we are looking at this week in our investigation area are tadpoles, plants and spiders.

Building an obstacle course.

Working as a team to build a obstacle course.

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The children have been having fun working together to make an obstacle course. They were sharing ideas, testing them out and making changes. Great team work!

Our learning in the Summer Term

You may have already guessed, from our farm visit and the recent request for baby photos, that this terms focus is going to be growing. We will be looking at how different things grow and change over time, including animals, humans and plants. 

We will start off looking at animals and humans and then plants.

Later on in the summer term we will be investigating mini beasts and animals under the sea.


If you would like more details about the different objectives we will be covering this term please click on our EYFS curriculum star on the school’s curriculum page on the website. Alternatively follow this link





Our Trip to Moor Farm

We all had a great day on Thursday when we visited Moor Farm. We got to see, learn and experience lots of new things. We even got to watch a lamb being born! (see video below)

Thank you to all our helpers, it was great to have you join us and help us on our farm trip.

Take a look at our pictures below. 

Video clip of the lamb being born!

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Click above if you would like to see the video of the lambing that we got to watch at Moor Farm on Thursday.


If you have signed and handed in the slips for Tapestry your accounts are now active.

I explained to those that attended the meetings on Tuesday, that as this is the first year of using tapestry and therefore we are combining the use of putting evidence on Tapestry alongside the evidence in the red and blue folders.


For more information please follow the link below.

This will take you to the page about the Foundation Stage curriculum, you just need to scroll down and click the Tapestry star.

This will then take you to a page that will have the PowerPoint presentation I shared with parents on Tuesday and guides for using Tapestry on your computer, phone and tablet. It also has the link which will take you to the Eye Primary Tapestry log in page.


Your log in details will be the email that you put on your form and your password will be your child’s first and second name with a capital letter at the beginning (no spaces)e.g. Josephsmith

If your child’s name is shorter than 10 letters it will have consecutive numbers after the name e.g  Johnsmith1 or Evawatt123.




Any problems please come and see me and I will try to help J

If you haven’t handed in your form and need a new one please speak to a member of staff.

Thank you for your continued support and please add your own photos, videos and comments to your child’s Tapestry so we can see their learning at home.


Mrs Thorpe

We had an Easter egg hunt and found that the Easter bunny had visited us early. Happy Easter to you all from the Foundation Stage team.

We had a great time during our science day exploring a range of experiments. Ask your child about Professor Brainstorm.

We had a lovely afternoon making hand bouquets for Mother's Day.

Look at our crazy hair in the den!!

Some more of our lovely chicken pictures.

We have been having so much fun outside in the sun this afternoon. We have built dens, made delicious recipes in the mud kitchen and made posters.

We have been drawing the school chickens in pastels this week while we find out more about farm animals

We have been finding out about penguins. Charlie made a model of a penguin showing how the penguins carry their eggs on their feet. Ask your child what other fantastic facts they have learned.

We are learning the story Dear Zoo. See if they can tell you the story at home. Here is our story map that we use in school.

Look at our super homework. It is now being displayed in school.

A wonderful Wow Day in the Foundation Stage. We all had a great time meeting the animals this morning. Thank you to all those that came along to join us and a special thanks to those who kindly brought in their animals.

Happy New Year smiley



This term will be focussing on animals. We will be looking at how we care for living things, the different types of animals you get and where they live. We will look at different types of animals, starting with pets, then zoo animals and animals that live in the Arctic. We will also be looking at how they grow and change, linking this to our trip to Moor Farm.  


We had so much fun at our party!

Thank you so much for the amazing Christmas party hat entries. We were amazed at how much hard work went in to them. Here are our winners and runners up. We'll done everyone!

Our elves have been very busy in Santa's workshop today.

Look at our beautiful tree that the children were busy decorating today.

We had a lovely Parent Cafe on Thursday! Thank you to all those who came along to join in with our Story and Christmas Craft :) We hope you had as much fun as we did!

Our Alternative Nursery Rhyme

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We have been learning different Nursery Rhymes over the last few weeks and we even thought of our own versions! The children came up with the different rhyming words to make our own version of Humpty Dumpty! We hope you like it :)

Last week we looked at the Hindu festival of Diwali and had a go at a traditional stick dance.

Bedtime Stories

We had lots of fun on our trip on Tuesday. Look at our fantastic pig shelters :) None of them could be blown down by the Big Bad Wolf!

We have been helping to make fresh new play dough ready for Monday!

A Squirrel by The Squirrel Class

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Watch our fantastic Squirrel Poem. We hope you like the actions we made up.

We have all settled in really well at school! Have a look at the exciting things we have been doing! :)
