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Zebras - Year 3

Summer Well-being Activities

Distance Learning


Hello Zebras and welcome back to your distance learning journey for Summer Term. I hope you had a lovely Easter break and managed to have some fun and relax. Daily challenges will continue on the class page as they did prior to the Easter break and this will be updated every day until we are given further updates. Alongside this, children can be completing tasks from the distance learning packs sent out, practising times tables on TTRS, recapping spellings on Spelling Shed and doing lots of super reading. 


The learning that I saw before the break was fantastic and I am very impressed with all of Zebras class for putting so much effort into their distance learning. I enjoy seeing all of the super work that everyone has been up to so please do continue sending in examples of distance learning and any other things the children have been up to and then I can put these on the class page to show off the great things you are all doing.


Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or queries you have via the class email ( and I will do what I can to support you with these.


Take care everyone,

Miss Canham xx

Physical Education at home

PE is a very important part of the curriculum, however I understand that over the next few weeks it will be difficult to include physical activity into your children's lives. With this in mind, I have listed below some activities that can be completed indoors, some of which we have already used in class together. 

-Cosmic Kids Yoga and Mindfulness (youtube)

-Just Dance videos (youtube)

-Joe Wicks live PE session every day at 9am (youtube)

-Brain Breaks + Dance, TheLearningStation (youtube)

- The Family Fit club- run by our school sports provider Just Do Sports


Other Useful Resources - great for lesson ideas and updated daily authors reading their own books A great resource to help children to understand the corona virus

Check out the video link below to see a positive message from the year 3 children that have been in school. We are missing you all so much! 

Class message from the Zebras 26/06/20

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Bookman's Summer Reading Challenge

This Summer, it would be amazing to see lots of you having a go at Bookman's Summer Reading Challenge. I know I will definitely be taking part!

Virtual Sports Day

We thought it would be nice to host a virtual sports day because we missed our sports day at school. Have a go at some of the activities on the attached sheet and record your progress- I have got some certificates for those children that come 1st, 2nd and 3rd! Enjoy your sports day!

Distance learning- Summer

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7

Week 8


Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Final week of term

All of the year 3 teachers are missing you lots and can't wait to be back together again!

Keep smiling, Zebras! 


Super Distance Learning- Summer 2

Here are some examples of the fantastic distance learning that Zebras class have been doing at home during Summer Term.  

Lucy created enough musical instruments for a whole band!

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Hannah's homemade drums!

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Super Distance Learning- Summer 1

Here are some examples of the fantastic distance learning that Zebras class have been doing at home during Summer Term.  

Welcome back and happy birthday Josh!

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Happy Easter!

Hi Zebras! Well done for all of the fantastic learning that you have been doing at home and a big thank you to parents for continuing to support your child's education at home. I hope that you all enjoy a well deserved break and have a rest over the next couple of weeks.


Times tables rockstars challenges will be set each week if you want to have a go, I know I will be spending some time on there as I have lots of challenges to reply to! Also, remember that Bookman set us all an Easter reading challenge to have a go at, so it would be amazing to see you having a go at this! Click the link below to access Bookman's very own section of the website to see what he has been up to and to find out more about the Easter challenge if you have forgotten.


Take care and keep safe,

Miss Canham x 


A little message from Miss Canham, Mrs Laughton and Miss Rogers :) xx

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Class Story

Zebras, I really wanted to finish 'The Queen's Nose', as I was really enjoying it, but I felt like I couldn't carry on reading it on my own! Check out the videos button on the homepage of the school website to listen in to the start of chapter six, the playlist is titled 'Zebras- The Queen's Nose'. Keep checking back to hear more of the story! x

Super Distance Learning, Spring Term- Zebras 

I am loving seeing all of your brilliant distance learning that you have been sending in, it is putting a big smile on my face!

We have all had such a lovely day today and the children have been wonderful. Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have or support you may need and I would love to see what the children get up to during this time. Take care everyone :)

We had a fantastic day today dressing up as character's from our class books for World Book Day. All of the children looked super and we had lots of fun acting out our favourite books to our peers!

I hope everyone has had a nice and relaxing half term. Just a reminder that Zebras will now be swimming this half term so they will need a full swimming kit every Wednesday. 

Any questions, please do ask. 

Miss Canham

This week, we have been taking part in a daily HIIT workout to raise money for the NSPCC. Don't forget to bring back your sponsorship forms on Friday!

As part of national story telling week, we had the opportunity to read our Iron Man stories to the children in Year One. We had lots of fun doing this and the children made me very proud with how supportive they were towards the Year Ones, well done Zebras!

In RE, we were visited by the Salvation Army, who told us all about what they do for charity and how they help and care for others. We also learnt about the Good Samaritan story and talked about how we could relate this to our lives today.

We were very lucky this week as we had a fantastic artist, Roland Burt, visit our school to do a workshop with us. We learnt lots about how we could use household tools in art, we learnt how Roland became an artist and created a piece of art based on our school community. Check it out below!

We started off our new History topic with a fantastic Egyptian WOW day. We had so much fun learning all about the Gods and Pharoahs that ruled in ancient Egyptian times and we even watched the mummification process happen! Take a look at the photos below to see what we got up to.

In RE, we acted out 'The Story of Noah' to help us to understand different Bible stories and why Christians follow God.

Spring 2020

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you have had an enjoyable and restful Christmas break. I am very excited to begin the Spring term and we have lots of super learning in store for Zebras Class. 


Our PE day is now a Wednesday. This term we will be doing Athletics and Swimming, we will be starting with athletics in Spring 1 and will change to swimming in Spring 2. Please ensure that children have the appropriate, named kit on these days.


Homework will be set weekly. Please ensure that this is completed. It will be sent home on a Thursday and should be returned the following Tuesday. Children should continue to bring their reading books along with their reading records to school daily. I would like children to aim to read five times a week and ask that parents/carers would sign children's reading records to show that they are working in partnership with us as a school to support the children's reading. I hope that many of you have completed the competition sent by Bookman. I think he may be visiting us again soon to see how we are getting on with our reading!



We have lots of exciting learning planned for this term. Here is a brief summary of what we will be learning in each subject. 


In our English learning this term, we will be using the focus texts ‘The Queen’s Nose’ and ‘Iron Man’. Through these texts we will be developing our skills of creating narratives and writing recounts such as newspaper reports. We will be building on the writing skills that we have been working on this term and applying them into different writing contexts. We begin with Iron Man and know that the children are going to love this text. 


IMaths our focus will be on measurement. We will be developing our skills in measuring length, mass, volume before moving onto money and time in the second half of the term. We will continue to revisit the skills that we have been practising in the autumn term and applying our calculation skills within our learning about measurement 


Our Science topic for this term is ‘Rocks and Fossils’. This will involve developing an understanding of different types of rocks and how they are formed. Children will also explore how fossils are formed.


In the first half of spring term, in History, we are learning about Ancient Egyptian civilisations. We will explore what life was like in Ancient Egypt, their traditions and beliefs as well as developing an understanding of the features of the Ancient Egyptian society. Children will look at the different ways that the past is represented, using sources of information and making observations, inferences and deductions.  


In the second half of the spring term, in Geography, we will be exploring the wonders of the world and developing knowledge of continents and oceans. We will be linking this with our learning about Egypt and the pyramids.


In Art we are moving on to develop our skills in sculpture, before moving on to working with materials and textiles. Our DT learning is around preparing food to suit a healthy and varied diet. In Music we will be developing our listening and appraising, singing, improvising, composing and evaluation skills using R&B, Michael Jackson, Western Classical, Musicals, Motown and Soul music. Our key learning questions for our RE learning this term are ‘What is it like to follow God’ and ‘What do humanists value most in life?’ In C4L for Spring 1 we will be exploring safety and how to keep ourselves safe in different situations. In PE this term, we are developing our skills in swimming and athletics. In our French learning, we will be developing our French vocabulary linked to Numbers 0-6 , 5 colours - reading/writing, questioning and answering about our name. We will use stories such as Roule galette and L’automne arrive to support this.


I am available before and after school if you have any queries or questions. Please do not hesitate to ask!

Bookman has come to Eye Primary! We are very lucky and excited to have Bookman at our school to encourage us to read more often and to develop a love of reading. Don't forget to take part in the 12 reads of Christmas challenge!

Year 3- Trip to Flag Fen. We had a fantastic day at Flag Flen as part of our History learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age! We made our own Bronze Age style clay pots and became archaeologists by exploring artefacts from the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. In the afternoon, we explored the site and saw some Bronze Age long boats before we visited the Bronze Age roundhouse to enjoy a story around the fire.

As part of Parliament week, the children created their own campaign based on ideas from the story 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. They were super at getting into character and debating against each other!

In Maths, we played times table games to help us to understand and learn our 3 times table. We are getting very good at knowing it in a random order!


In English, we have been learning about the story 'The Ice Palace'. To understand more about the plot of the story, we role played being heroes and villains and created some questions to ask each other during our hot-seating activity. We discovered lots about why heroes and villains act in certain ways!

Last week, we were very lucky because we had the opportunity to work with a talented poet, Neal Zetter. We worked with Neal to develop our performance skills before delivering our poem during the whole school Poetry Slam. We had so much fun and the Zebras did a fantastic job!


In RE we are learning about Christian beliefs about creation. We started this unit by thinking about WOW factors in the world. We went outside to find and explore things that are amazing in nature. Here are some pictures that the children thought were an amazing part of creation.


Welcome back Zebras!


We hope that you have had a wonderful summer holiday and are ready for the exciting year ahead.

I have been very busy preparing the classroom and planning lots of exciting and engaging lessons that I know you’re going to enjoy.


Miss Nicholls is our teaching assistant throughout the whole week and we also have Mrs Laughton (HLTA) on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning.


There are some important pieces of information that we have listed below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to us.

  • PE day is Tuesday. This half term we will be doing Swimming and Dance. Dance for the first 3 weeks (10/09, 17/09, 24/09) and Swimming for the last 3 weeks (02/10, 09/10, 15/10). Please ensure that you have the appropriate, named kit on these days.
  • Homework will be set weekly. Please ensure this is completed.  
  • Children will be given a reading book and reading record throughout the course of our first week back. These should be brought to school daily. We would like children to aim to read five times a week and would ask that parents/carers would sign their reading records to show that they are working partnership with us as a school to support the children’s reading.


We have lots to learn this half term and we know that it’s going to be a fun and rewarding learning journey.


In English we are going to use the text ‘Cliffhanger’ by Jacqueline Wilson as our stimulus for writing. We are going to be creating a recount, writing in role as the main character Tim before moving on to explore persuasive writing and creating our own brochure for an adventure camp.


Our Maths learning begins by focusing on developing ‘Place Value’ skills. Children will be working with three digit numbers and ensuring they understand their values. We will then move on to developing our addition and subtraction skills using mental methods as well as written methods to add and subtract.


We will investigate light through our Science topic. This will involve developing an understanding of why we need light, looking at the dangers of sunlight and how to protect ourselves, investigating how light reflects from surfaces, and exploring shadows, how they’re formed and how they change.


Our History learning focuses on The Stone Age to Iron Age. We will discover what it was like to live in prehistoric times for the first humans in Britain. We will look at how life evolved and changed throughout this era.


In Music, children are extremely fortunate to have whole class music tuition, learning to play the J-Sax (junior saxophone). Our Art work will focus on developing our drawing skills, looking at using proportion, shape, colour, shade and form. In RE we are looking at what Christians learn from the creation story. In D&T we will be creating structures. The children will begin to learn French now that they are in Key Stage 2. This will begin with learning some greetings and classroom commands. In our Curriculum for Life skills lessons we will be looking at Rules and the need for rules in different areas of life.


We will be keeping our class page updated with details and photos of our learning. This is a great tool to use to talk to the children about their school day.


I am available before and after school if you have any need to talk to me. Please do not hesitate to do so!


Miss Canham 

